產(chǎn)品中心您現在的位置:首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品展示 > > 耗材 > 普蘭德BRAND巴斯德吸管,PE-LD材質(zhì)747760




    巴斯德吸管,PE-LD材質(zhì),3/0.5,*大吸液量3.5 ml747760PE-LD. Very good reproducibility of the number of drops per milliliter. Ideal for aliquots. Pasteur pipettes can be filled and deep-frozen, or changed into a close




    巴斯德吸管,PE-LD材質(zhì),3/0.5,*大吸液量3.5 ml747760

    PE-LD. Very good reproducibility of the number of drops per milliliter. Ideal for aliquots. Pasteur pipettes can be filled and deep-frozen, or changed into a closed vessel by heat-sealing the tip. The integrated pipetting bulb depresses easily, minimizing fatigue from frequent pipetting. Resistant to gas or gamma radiation sterilization.

    3,3 ml無(wú)刻度2,5 mm155 mm25
    7477551 ml4,4 ml0,25/0,5/0,75/1,0 ml2,5 mm155 mm25
    7477603 ml6,2 ml0,5/1,0/1,5/2,0/2,5/3,0 ml3 mm155 mm20
    7477652 ml5 ml0,5/1,0/1,5/2,0 ml3,3 mm152 mm22-28
    7477704 ml7 ml無(wú)刻度3,2 mm147 mm25
    7477751 ml5,5 ml0,25/0,5/0,75/1,0 ml1,2 mm150 mm70


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