產(chǎn)品中心您現在的位置:首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品展示 > > 耗材 > 普蘭德BRAND容量瓶,BLAUBRAND®, ,100 ml,Boro 3.3, NS 14/23 玻璃瓶塞37289

    普蘭德BRAND容量瓶,BLAUBRAND®, ,100 ml,Boro 3.3, NS 14/23 玻璃瓶塞37289



    硼硅酸鹽玻璃 (Boro 3.3), 依照 DIN EN ISO1042標準 內含式校準(TC In).All BLAUBRAND® volumetric flasks are delivered with a batch number and batch certificate included in the original packaging. They are also available




    硼硅酸鹽玻璃 (Boro 3.3), 依照 DIN EN ISO1042標準 內含式校準(TC In).

    All BLAUBRAND® volumetric flasks are delivered with a batch number and batch certificate included in the original packaging. They are also available with individual certificates or DAkkS calibration certificate upon request.

    貨號標稱(chēng)量程磨口誤差極限,單位為 ml ±內部精確度等級
    372565 mlNS 10/190,04 ml帶玻璃塞
    3725720 mlNS 10/190,04 ml帶玻璃塞
    3725825 mlNS 10/190,04 ml帶玻璃塞
    3725950 mlNS 12/210,06 ml帶玻璃塞
    37260100 mlNS 12/210,1 ml帶玻璃塞
    37261200 mlNS 14/230,15 ml帶玻璃塞
    37262250 mlNS 14/230,15 ml帶玻璃塞
    37263500 mlNS 19/260,25 ml帶玻璃塞
    372641.000 mlNS 24/290,4 ml帶玻璃塞
    372652.000 mlNS 29/320,6 ml帶玻璃塞
    372665.000 mlNS 34/351,2 ml帶玻璃塞
    3726710 mlNS 10/190,04 ml帶玻璃塞
    3726820 mlNS 12/210,06 ml帶玻璃塞
    3728850 mlNS 14/230,1 ml帶玻璃塞
    37289100 mlNS 14/230,1 ml帶玻璃塞
    3729425 mlNS 12/210,06 ml帶玻璃塞


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